If you are unemployed, live in Kent and Medway, and feel that your mental health is holding you back, we can help.
Aspirations is a free service for anyone over 25 who is not currently in employment.
How does it work?
We can help you improve your mental health and achieve whatever it is you feel your mental health is holding you back from. It could be joining a local group, gaining new skills or finding the job you want.
Whatever your circumstances, we won’t judge you and what we discuss will remain confidential.
Get in touch
You can get in touch by calling us on 0333 880 2730, sending an email to us at or by filling in our contact form.
Then someone from the team will get in touch to tell you more about the service.
If you are currently being supported by our Aspirations service, we will be in touch with more information about how we can continue to support you. If you have any questions about our support or need to speak to someone about our Aspirations service, you can call us on 0333 880 2730.
Services that can support you with mental health if you are in employment
If you are in employment or are on furlough from your current employer, we can offer support through our other services.
Call our helpline to speak to someone who will listen to you and offer advice on how we can help.
Aspirations is funded by the European Social Fund and the National Lottery, through The National Lottery Community Fund.