Tell us form
Tell us about someone who is rough sleeping
Porchlight’s rough sleeper service works across Kent. We can help if you are rough sleeping, or if you are concerned about someone who is.
You can use this form to send an alert to the Porchlight helpline team. The details you provide will help us find you/ the individual and connect them to support.
We hope this only takes you 5 minutes. Just fill in what you can and leave any fields blank that you can't complete. However, the more information you are able to include, the easier it will be for us to share with the right person at Porchlight to get support in place.
If you can’t access this form online for any reason, you can call our helpline free on 0800 567 7699.
If you, or the person you have seen, is in immediate danger please call the emergency services.
How we use your data
We will use the information you give us so that our outreach street team or the closest local service can make contact with the person who is rough sleeping. For more details about how we use data given to us, please read our privacy statement.