
Stay up-to-date with the latest news from Porchlight on our services for homeless and vulnerable people in Kent and the south east, our campaigns, research and fundraising efforts.

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End of government protection measures

Kent's most vulnerable people pushed closer to homelessness

05 October, 2021


Kerslake report on rough sleeping

Homelessness a housing and health issue

27 September, 2021

Real-life Stories

Michael’s story: After a decade, he's broken the cycle of homelessness

Our Housing First scheme supports people like him with the most complex needs

07 September, 2021


Help improve mental health support for young adults

If you’re a professional who works with young adults and their families, please share your views

04 August, 2021


Loyal through lockdown

Companies came through for Porchlight

28 July, 2021

Professionals | Other

Standing against immigration rules that target rough sleepers

Porchlight and others have pledged to continue helping people

11 June, 2021

Blogs | Professionals

Women hit harder by Covid-19

Pandemic has increased inequalities for the most vulnerable

11 June, 2021


Government's call for evidence

We're keeping homeless women's health on the agenda

11 June, 2021


Porchlight housing blog

What's the human cost of the housing crisis?

10 June, 2021